International Motorsports Hall of Fame
Legends – Series 1


Dropped April 24th
12pm PST

Since 1983 the International Motorsports Hall of Fame has been thrilling motorsports enthusiasts with exhibits, showcasing of some of the most historical pieces of automotive racing history.

Now Motoclub is bringing that history straight from the home of the International Motorsports Hall of Fame in Talladega direct to your digital garage!

The new Legends Series will bring you exclusive images, videos, and content from this amazing collection of racing cars and auto sports memorabilia in the form of low run, highly collectible SparkNFTs that you’re definitely not going to want to miss out on!

It all begins here with Series 1, so stay sharp, the lights go up on the first five International Motorsports Hall of Fame SparkNFTs for you to buy on April 24th, 2022.

Pack Details

Each pack will contain 1x video and 2x images from the International Motorsports Hall of Fame: Legends – Series 1 drop.

Editions of each SparkNFT Minted: 45
Sequencing to begin at: 1
Pricing: $45